Welcome to my first website!

This website will be used for two purposes:

  • To display my finished and ongoing programming projects.
  • To display my blog, which will have a new post every week(???)
C/C++ Programming
C++ is the language that I am most confident programming in, and is the programming language used for my current dissertation project.

Some blog posts may come in the form of lists, such as 5 useful ways to navigate through directories in the command line. Others may be a more detailed look at a piece of software or part of a programming language, such as Adding multithreading into your C++ project with the help of execution policies, or Setting up Ventoy: a tool for booting multiple iso's from a single USB stick.

But why create a website that almost no one will see?

The main reason for creating this website is for journalling my experience of. By putting my projects on this website, maybe I’ll actually get to finishing some of them. It also looks good on a CV!

This site will remain free, forever

This website is free of ads and trackers, and it will remain that way forever. The experience of me running a website and blogging is well worth the relatively small cost of hosting and domains, so I’m not interested in making money. Plus, it shouldn’t take 10MB to load up what is essentially a few kilobytes of text, so I’m keeping this website lightweight.

An accurate representation of how I code:

My programming style is similar to the infinite monkey typewriter. By entering code at random, I can write correct code in a near infinite (but still finite) amount of time.

Monkey typing on a typewriter

Monkey trying to code on a computer